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Halotherapy Therapy Session Disclosure/Waiver



Halotherapy (Salt Therapy) is a non-invasive, 100% drug-free, chemical-free, all-natural solution. The benefits are many and safe for all ages.

Please be advised that all medical conditions should be treated by your physician.

Dry Bones Holistic Health LLC takes no responsibility for clients choosing to treat themselves by means of salt therapy, which has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.


Salt Etiquette:

1. Please refrain from wearing perfumes or other fragrance-producing products and lotions.

2. Arrive Early. Sessions must start as scheduled to allow time for sanitizing and cleaning.

3. Please leave your purse, keys, phone, and other valuables in designated areas.

4. We recommend electronic devices be put in a plastic bag to prevent damage.

5. No food or drinks are allowed in the salt therapy room.

6. Use the restroom before the session starts.

7. Please wash your hands before each salt therapy session.

8. Please do not exit the salt room once the session has begun, except for an emergency.

9. Please help us maintain a quiet healing environment by keeping the noise down.

10. Children must be accompanied by an adult at all times.

11. We ask that there is no throwing salt and any holes that are made be smoothed out

after your session.

12. Drink plenty of water following your salt therapy session.

13. Hammock Chairs are rated for 250 lb weight capacity.

There is NO swinging or spinning of the hammock chairs.

14. Zero Gravity reclining chairs are rated for 350 lb weight capacity and can be

adjusted with the knobs on either side of the armrest.

15. Wooden Benches are rated for 550 lb weight capacity.


Cancellation policy:

Your appointment time has been reserved especially for you.

On occasion, you may need to change your appointment.

We kindly ask that you give us 24-hour notice when canceling or rescheduling your appointment.

By signing below, I give my consent to participate in the salt therapy session entirely at my own risk for myself and any minors in my care. I understand that for all my health concerns, it is my responsibility to consult an appropriately licensed healthcare provider.

I further release Dry Bones Holistic Health LLC from any legal ramifications should an injury occur as a result of my salt therapy session.

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